Esta web es un trabajo académico realizado en la asignatura "Las TIC en Educación Primaria" del Grado de Maestro de E.P., Universidad de La Laguna, 2013"
We've workedthe geometry, therefore,you must knowthat it isa square,heptagon,etc ...,but you knowhow manydiagonals doeseveryone?Withapplicationbelow,draw a square, a triangle,a pentagon,a hexagonandan octagon,andin another color, drawits diagonals.Then in theclass notebook,datapointsyou have earned.
Activity 2. Play a Maths 3D shapes game
Now,we can see the3D geometricalfigures.You will learnthe facesof eachfigure,its edges,its vertices,how they form,etc..To workgo to the nexttool, butbefore, put onheadphonesandyou must followthe instructions(whichare in English).Enzarzarásyouon arescue mission.Enjoy yourmission,and best ofall,YOU CANPLAYEVERY TIMEYOU WANT.
A video about themost popularpolyhedra
Thenyou will seea video made byyour teacherLucia, whichwill show youthemost popularpolyhedra,teachyouand show you howto distinguishformeach.Enjoy it